Jan 27, 2023 Newsdesk Industry Talk, Latest News, Macau, Singapore, Top of the deck  
A Global Gaming Expo (G2E) Asia casino trade event is to be held in-person in Macau this year; the first one since the 2019 edition (pictured in a file photo), that was staged prior to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Little more than a month before the July gathering in Macau, the G2E Asia brand will also stage a Singapore event, according to a Friday announcement from the organisers.
“G2E Asia 2023 Special Edition: Singapore” will run from May 30 to June 1 inclusive, at Marina Bay Sands in Singapore, a casino resort run by Las Vegas Sands Corp.
An event branded “Asian IR Expo + G2E Asia 2023” is to be held from July 11 to 13, at the Venetian Macao, run by Sands China Ltd, a unit of Las Vegas Sands.
G2E Asia, organised by the American Gaming Association and Reed Exhibitions, had been staged annually in Macau from 2007 and up to 2019.
The announcement of the Macau event coincides with recent news of relaxation of Macau and mainland China’s respective controls on inbound travel from overseas. The latter controls had been linked to efforts locally to contain the Covid-19 pandemic.
The event organisers said the Singapore event was for “gaming professionals to network and conduct business, and the content will be focus on gaming”.
At the Macau gathering, “the focus will be on integrated resorts with [the] profile extended beyond gaming”.
“This will be an invaluable platform to drive business diversification and get expert insights on Macau’s latest economic development,” added the announcement.
The statement said that running events in Singapore and Macau “could perfectly serve the needs of gaming and non-gaming sectors in Asia”.
The Singapore event in May “falls nicely in the global gaming event calendar, and allows our customers to go back to their normal routine of attending at all the major global gaming events,” it suggested.
The announcement added that the July event in Macau, would “bring tourism and entertainment products beyond gaming, to Macau and support business diversification”.
Conference and networking activity “will be run alongside the two events”, with the details to be “shared on G2E Asia website as they become available,” said the statement.
A G2E Asia-branded “Special Edition: Singapore” was held last year, with the organisers credited as the American Gaming Association and Reed Exhibitions. It was the first in-person event under the G2E Asia brand since 2019, coinciding with an extended period of travel restrictions across the Asia-Pacific region.
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